Tuesday, May 1, 2012

As we approach our late forties ...

The most basic rule you can follow for healthy skin is just to be nice!

 As we approach our late forties we tend to abuse our skin with such things as, excess sun exposure, tanning, pore-clogging makeup, junk food and sleep deprivation.

A  high variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish, lead to

less wrinkling of the skin with age.

 As we approach our late forties and beyond, our hormone and growth factor levels decrease dramatically, translating to the skin’s self-repair and renewal properties significantly slowing down. With age, skin tends to thin and dry out, in both men and women, though less drastically in men. Excessive inflammation, deepening wrinkles, discolorations and sagging are also increasingly prevalent with age. It’s thus important to remain extremely hydrated, exfoliate regularly, use a daily oil-free moisturizer, and begin to look into wrinkle .

Exfoliation (the getting rid of dead skin cells) is a crucial step in any skin care program. If dead skin cells are not properly removed,  Skin becomes  pale and lifeless, since these cells dull the pink glow of healthy skin. Frequently, wrinkles become noticeable.It is also bad for your health. Cell build-up leads to:
·         dehydration
·         poor oxidation
·         sluggish circulation
·         formation of blemishes
·         rough, unevenly-textured skin
What Happens to Dead Skin Cells after they are formed?
The result of this buildup of dead cells is dull, flat-looking skin that has lost its vitality and glow.

What Can You Do About It?

All skin types, but especially oily and mature skins need.There are two main types of products on the market that facilitate exfoliation, sloughing accelerators and mechanical exfolients. They can be used together in daily and weekly care programs but make sure you start with effective daily cleansing.
Sloughing accelerators - contain various combinations of acids and other exfoliation ingredients which dissolve the intercellular cement which holds the dead cells on the surface together. Once the intercellular cement is dissolved, cells are no longer attached and are easily removed. The two most prominent sloughing accelerators are alpha-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid.
 In top-notch exfoliating cleansers, these acids are combined with plant extracts that add skin-soothing and moisturizing properties. Two tips to keep in mind when using sloughing accelerators:
First, you should use a cleanser that contains both oil and water. The oils, when applied to the skin, heat up to skin temperature and melt the skin's natural sebum, thereby loosening the cells that have become lodged in it. The water phase removes the water-soluble pollutants that had become attached.

Second, you should be careful in your choice of a facecloth or sponge.

 Cosmetic sponges gently aid in dislodging stubborn cells while you wipe off the cleanser. Whichever you use should be washed regularly. It's more usual to boil a cosmetic sponge than a facecloth, but this is the surest way to destroy any bacteria growing in the moist environment they provide.
Mechanical exfoliants physically remove the cells from the surface of the skin. Mechanical exfolients not only aid in sloughing unwanted cells, they refine the texture of the skin and stimulate cell renewal. They further benefit the skin by leaving it ideally prepared for subsequent caring or intensive treatments. The two most common types of mechanical exfolients are scrubs and peels. One caution when using mechanical exfolients - be sure to avoid the delicate, easily-damaged mouth and eye areas.
Continuing to capture youthful glow and vitality in your skin takes time and planning. But any effective program will start with the importance of good cleansing. Regular clearing away of excess debris and buildup on the surface of the skin (through exfoliation) encourages new cell regeneration, improves the health of the skin, and starts it on the path to becoming smooth and soft.

While some things are unavoidable, here are some 

simple things you can change in your daily life that

will have a drastic impact on your skin’s health!

Your Diet   
·         Mono-unsaturated fat
·         Olive oil and olives
·         Fish (especially fatty fish, such as sardines)
·         Reduced fat milk and milk products, such as yogurt
·         Eggs
·         Nuts and legumes (especially lima and broad beans)
·         Vegetables (especially leafy greens, spinach, eggplant, asparagus, celery, onions, leeks and garlic)
·         Wholegrain cereals
·         Fruit and fruit products (especially prunes, cherries, apples and jams)
·         Tea
·         Water
·         Zinc (foods which contain zinc include seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts)
Foods that seem to exacerbate wrinkling in the aged included:
·         Saturated fat
·         Meat (especially fatty processed meats)
·         Full fat dairy products
·         Cakes, pastries and desserts
·         Potatoes
·         Butter
·         Margarine·          

Applying a Applying moisturizer after a warm face wash or shower is one of the best things you can do to restore radiant complexion. There are plenty of moisturizers on the market, so just find the one that fits your skin type! Just be sure to always use an oil-free or essential oil-based moisturizer, particularly on the face, to prevent greasy skin and breakouts.

Things to Remember 

Cleans skin regularly.

 Cleansing your face daily, in the morning, and again before bed, clears your face of any accumulated dirt and dust. Nighttime is when your skin rejuvenates itself, so cleansing before bed is a crucial part of a healthy skin care regime to avoid congestion and built-up toxins in the pores. 

Choose the right cleanser.

 While cleansing several times a day is important, just any cleanser won’t do. When you choose a cleanser, make sure it’s not too drying, especially in the winter, or carries too much oil, especially in the summer. Soaps and other stringent cleansers can suck the healthy oils out of your skin, actually causing your skin to produce even more oil than normal to compensate. Avoid these at all costs, and choose a milder alternative. Try to find good oil-free or essential oil-based products that will leave your face clean and refreshed, not tight, dry, or with an oily residue.


 Regardless of your skin type, it’s important to exfoliate at least one or two times per week. This aids the skin renewal process, and improves the elasticity of the skin, in turn making the skin appear younger, clearer, and healthier. Exfoliating is key to maintaining that “youthful glow” in your skin!

Limit shower time.

 Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin, drying it out and stripping it of collagen and elastins. Limit your bath and shower time and always use warm, not hot, water. When drying off following a shower, it’s important to gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel, never rub, to ensure that some moisture remains on your skin.
Incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine can have
drastic effects. 


Just give them a try—your skin will thank you:-)

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