Saturday, May 24, 2014

You are Three ...My dear Boy Donu. 28th May 2014

The way   I  see it you should live everyday like its your b'day ..
Happy B'day sweetheart....give me a tight hug Donu.

 Today's grandmothers lead full and active lives that include everything from working and traveling to attending meditation classes join clubs and lead a carefree life.

 But that's no surprise.  When we age we cast off the care and responsibilities of raising our children – as we move on with our lives, . Freedom comes, to do as we please, to stay in our pyjamas all day, should do as we desire, but something happens in the form of a beautiful baby who has the ability to twist us around its tiny finger. Yes, “I am a grandparent” now.

The joy of this tiny babe for one to fuss over, adore, and spoil with no responsibility and to be able to hand back to the parents, adds a new dimension to our lives. The first smile, the first tooth and first word not only swells the heart of the parent but also the hearts of the grandparents too.  

We as grandparents, being older have something so special we can add to the richness of this child’s life; ‘time’.  This is something busy parents rarely can afford. Somehow small children and an older person were designed to be together, small children take tiny steps and notice things a busy parent may not, and  we older people are often slower, and have time – to study a caterpillar or an interesting bug with a young one at our side.

 A bond grows between the small child and the grandparents; we can tell them  and show the album what their parent was like as a child. . I do not mind reading the same story over and over again and the joy on their (and our) faces. When we see them fills one’s heart with pure love. This relationship also gives me a chance to find the child in ourselves once again, to sing silly songs and tell silly jokes, to laugh and color in once again.

Through the years, My grandson Dron have enjoyed many rich and wonderful experiences, and now it's time to share  with him.I would love to treasure every moment of his every  child act in his memory book.

 This unique memory book gives a new generation of grandmothers to help a way for the beginners.

His knowledge about IPOD is simply amazing he is my teacher with this new technology  .

My grandchild will love finding out more about me, a fascinating person in your own right, his passion  for cars and  the details and pics of the cars he is really interested in ,not  only that   he tries to explain  me every small detail of his car collection.

 My Grandchild will help you open with the special young people . If  he found the person  sounds  he will pull out their hands and try to open with them,  I am Dron Prabhu your name please..
His . straightforward ,innocence smart  behavior is simply drives me crazy .

As a b'day gift when i asked my little one  Baby...what you like to have as a  b'day gift ?

 For my surprise my Dron just whispered on my ears....ama  a LAPTOP....  APPLE!!

Yes! I was speechless till to this date....I could digest only few things is Generation g..a..p  aww...?


 The following is an illustration as to how I came to realize that maintaining my fitness is important as I grow older, both in terms of well being and in terms of being there for my grandchild Dron.

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