Saturday, March 29, 2014

Reducing wrinkles is probably on your agenda.....? ?

Women while they reaching at   40’s and just beginning to see the first signs of aging, and at 5o’s with skin that isn't exactly keeping your birthday a secret, seeking ways to reduce wrinkles  is probably on your agenda.

At the same time, many of us are losing the wrinkle battle, watching helplessly as the glow of youth goes on the dimmer switch.

"Many women believe that aging skin is inevitable, but with the information and technologies we have today, you really can look as young as you feel,"

Smooth, radiant skin is something everyone wants. While there's no magic bullet, the food you eat, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help some of the visible signs of aging.......How to Reduce Wrinkles:

The sun.

 It's the No. 1 cause of wrinkles,  sotry to avoid limited sun time  to look younger and to have fewer wrinkles. Wear sun screen if you must go out in the sun it will protect wrinkles.

 Get adequate sleep.

  when you don't get enough sleep, the body produces excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Get enough rest, , and you'll produce more high human growth hormone., which helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to wrinkle.

 Sleep on your back.

 Its quiet difficult the people like me
 cautions that sleeping in certain positions night after night leads to "sleep lines -- wrinkles that become etched into the surface of the skin and don't disappear once you're up. Sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on cheeks and chin, while sleeping face-down gives you a furrowed brow. To reduce wrinkle, sleep on your back.

 Don't squint -- get reading glasses!  any repetitive facial movement -- like squinting --
 overworks facial muscles, forming a groove beneath the skin's surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. Also important: Wear sunglasses. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage -- and further keep you from squinting.

 Eat smaller portions. Choose nutrient-dense, healthy foods from all of the different food groups. Exercise, and wear sunscreen. All of these things will help you look and feel younger,\
 These foods deliver nutrients that can help keep your skin looking great.


oats because they're low-glycemic," foods that don't spike your blood sugar like refined breads, rice, and pasta can. "High-glycemic foods are known to cause acne and wrinkles," Oats also have a natural plant chemical that helps prevent damage to skin cells and soothes skin irritation.
Also try: other whole grains such as shredded wheat, barley, brown rice.

Oranges     These are loaded with water, so they hydrate your skin and your cells, One large orange is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps make collagen -- and that, in turn, helps keep your skin supple.

In general, vegetables and fruits are great for your skin. Get at least 2 to 2.5 cups of vegetables and 1.5 cups of fruit per day if you're a woman, or 3 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit if you're a man. Go for lots of colors so you get a variety of nutrients.
Also try: pink grapefruit, tomatoes, parsley and grapes.


Avocados are filled with a healthy type of fat, monounsaturated fat, which helps your skin stay hydrated,.That same healthy fat can also help you absorb some vitamins and nutrients that your skin needs.
Try replacing high-fat salad dressings and mayo with avocado. "It gives you a lot of flavor and texture, and you don't need much to feel satisfied,".
Also try: olive oil, walnuts,

Also try: eggs, chicken, tofu, beans, fish.


 Brussels Sprouts

These are an excellent source of the skin-friendly vitamins A and C, as well as foliate. 
Their vitamin C promotes collagen. And while you still need to use sun protection, vitamin A and foliate may help prevent sun damage.
Try roasting Brussels sprouts with a drizzle of olive oil.

Also try: eggs, chicken, tofu, beans, fish.Sprouts

These are an excellent source of the skin-friendly vitamins A and C, as well as foliate. 
Their vitamin C promotes collagen. And while you still need to use sun protection, vitamin A and foliate may help prevent sun damage.
Try roasting Brussels sprouts with a drizzle of olive oil.
Also try:  greens, broccoli, and cauliflower.


This fish is one of the best ways to get healthy omega-3 fats in your diet. Recent studies have suggested that omega-3s, especially from fish, may keep skin cancer cells from growing and spreading.Aim for at least two 3-ounce servings of fish each week. Try it grilled with a whole-grain side dish like brown rice or barley salad.
Also try: , walnuts, mackerel, sardines,  milk, eggs. Peanut ,  grapes  and cocoa powder.

Hard works keeps the wrinkles out of mind and spirit .......:  )

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Can I Do About Grey Hair?

Some gray hairs -- especially coarse hairs, prematurely gray hairs and gray hairs around the temples and hairlines -- are especially resistant to color or quicker to lose color than other gray hairs. 
Try the following suggestions:

·         Apply color to gray areas first. (This gives resistant gray hairs more time to absorb color.)

·         Leave color on longer. (Adjust your timing and try it first in the strand test. Grays could take up to 45 minutes to color.)

·         Increase your hair color level. (If your grays still show up even after you've adjusted the timing on your semi- or demi-permanent color, you might consider going up a level.)
Science is also searching for a better solution to gray hair. I  genuinely feel L'oreal  which enables the natural process of hair pigmentation to take place biologically through a slow oxidation process. With the right proportions, everyone could get back their own natural hair color!

 Researchers are using this new chemical to come up with a new way to enhance hair color or cover gray.

Colored Hair Care and Tips

Color treated hair has special needs. Follow these tips to keep your hair looking great:
·         Use a shampoo created especially for color-treated hair (Revlon, L'oreal, Tresemme)
·         Wear hats or hair products with sunscreens to prevent your color from fading and drying in the sun
·         Dampen your hair with bottled spring water before getting into a chlorine pool (it will help dilute the chlorine)
·         Condition regularly
·         Don't brush hair when wet -- use a wide-toothed comb
·         Blot your hair dry -- don't wrap it or roughly dry it with a towel
·         Avoid over drying  your hair, blow dry until hair is almost, but not entirely, dry

When Should I Go to a Professional?

Technology has improved home hair coloring products, which also contain packets of deep conditioning lotion to prevent drying after coloring.

 So you can probably do a pretty good job at home on your own. However, there are times when it pays to see a professional colorist. For example:

·         You want to lighten or darken your hair more than three shades
·         You've colored your own hair and it's a disaster
·         Your hair is permed or damaged okay,   You have never colored your hair and want a major change so How can I find a good hair colorist?

Your best bet is probably recommendations from people whose hair you admire.

 And don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions the next time you go for a haircut

Troubleshooting Tips

·         Getting rid of color stains on skin -- Baby wipes work well, but try to avoid getting color on the skin to begin with and make sure to wipe excess from the ears and hairline before it has time to stain.

·         Coloring during pregnancy -- Some doctors advise their patients to avoid any kind of chemical service during pregnancy. While there's little concrete evidence that coloring during pregnancy is medically harmful so please avoid coloring during your pregnancy period.

·         Color fading due to chlorine -- If your local water contains a high amount of chlorine, you might consider getting a filter for your shower. Chlorine can strip color out of hair and make it very difficult to re-color.

·         Going back to natural color -- To avoid the two-tone effect of letting your color just grow out, have a professional use a similar formula with a highlighting method. In three to four visits, you will be able to stop coloring and not have an obvious line. 


       I love to experiment all the time with my hair color.