The experience of being a grandparent is unique for everyone. Each person brings their unique self to the experience of grand parenting.
Grand parents are the family’s greatest treasure, the founder of loving, keepers of traditions that linger on in our cherished memory. Their special love and the caring is the happiness of our lives. Grandparents keep a family well being close to their hearts.
After becoming grand parents the meaning of parenthood changes and more softness comes within for the grandchild as compared to your own children.
Grand parenting style includes culture, ethnicity, gender, tradition, family structure and a personal history. The bond between both these generations is of pure love and affection On the part of a grandparent it also requires a lot of patience, courage and dedication to rear a second family.
The grand parents are the greatest story tellers, share the stories of the past, their stories may be about the relatives, important events, family tradition, or about their own childhood or the grand child’s parent childhood stories. As the stories of the family are passed on, the grand child will gain a positive image and their place with in the family. Grand parents they serves as an encouragement and support to the family. Grand mentor by teaching and Sharing their skills and talents providing an advice and listening to their grand children. As a role model grand parents provide grand children with example of being a good children and the family loyalty.
Many grand parents thrill at the opportunity to be a playmate with their grand children. They speak with enthusiasm of time spent, on reading story books, playing games, sharing mutual interests with their grand children. Expressing love, affection and encouragement words is easy for most of the People.
So grand parents should begin to form a close & loving relation right from the start, the hugs and kisses are appreciable and accepted by children of all ages.
When kids are raised in the company of grand parents, they feel comfortable to show their love and learn to express their feelings.
Modern kids have lot on their plates and are often pulled in many directions at once, but grand parents can guide a lot for the development of a strong character in their grand children. Children have different type of bond with their grand parents than they do with their parents.
They feel comfortable to seek advice with the grand parent. Smart grand parent will make an effort to trusting bond with their kids and make it clear they are available to offer a kind ear and strong shoulders whenever their grand children need them.
Grand parents must be sure and take cautions, when giving advice however since it is never acceptable to go against the wishes of children’s parents.
Perfect love sometimes does not come, until the arrival of first grand child.
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